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KingCON v1.3 (31.05.94)
New features:
* Filename completion can be performed much faster now thanks to
an internal directory cache. It is activated with the option
The cache is shared among all open KingCON-consoles. Please
look in the documentation for details about this feature.
* Two new menuitems under the "Console" menu to make the console
window jump to the next public screen, or to a screen you
select from a list.
* A new substitution-string, %A, can be used to insert the
current directory in the titlebar (or icon's title), where as
much as possible of the path has been replaced with an assign.
(For example, "Ram Disk:ENV/Sys" => "ENV:Sys")
* The substitution-string %V inserts just the volumename of
the current directory.
* Two new line-editing keys have been added:
Control-P - Repeats the previous word.
Control-T - Inserts the arguments for the previus command
stored in the history-buffer.
* The select-window is opened under the mousepointer to
make life easier for SunMouse-users.
* The new NOSHORTCUTS-option removes the Amiga-key shortcuts
for the menus. This is useful if you for example can't get
used with the fact that the console responds to Amiga-Q.
Fixed problems:
* The DOS doesn't hang if KingCON is run together with xData.
(The fault is xData's, though :) Note that a diskloaded
font can't be used in the window if you are running xData.
If you experience problems with diskloaded fonts in combination
with other programs that patch the AmigaDOS Open()-function,
then PLEASE contact me.
* Several problems with different versions of the
dir-replacement "ls" solved.
* The select-window could crash and cause enforcer-hits
on some machines. Shouldn't do that anymore.
* Doesn't crash if a non-existant prefs-file was specified,
either by putting the name right after KCON: or using
the PREFS-option.
* Empty "path-components" in the filename used to open a
KCON-window caused enforcer-hits.
* Pending packets to the handler aren't lost when the window
is iconified.
* Sometimes the review-buffer could insert line-feeds in
wrong places.
* After using the review-buffer, the console doesn't slow
down on deep screens anymore.
* The control-sequence that is generated when the close-gadget
is pressed in raw-mode is now correct.
* The raw-mode in a window opened in cooked mode reports
control-sequences in a way that is compatible with CON:
* ARexx-programs can now be stopped with Control-C.
* The packets ACTION_STACK and ACTION_QUEUE returned
ERROR_ACTION_NOT_KNOWN, even if they were supported
by the handler.
* ACTION_CHANGE_SIGNAL now has the correct returncodes.
* KingCON sometimes lost track of the current dir when
started from the OS2.0 Shell-icon.
* The system's default font is always used in a window opened
on the Workbench, instead of the screen font.
* Some cosmetical misfeatures in the filename-completion
were removed.
KingCON v1.2 (22.03.94)
New features:
* Default options can be saved in an environment variable.
* Added new selection-methods that don't involve opening a window
when several files match during filename-completion.
This is configured with the FNCMODE-option.
* The memory for the review-buffer can be static if you specify a
negative value after MAXBUF.
* An extra gadget in the titlebar lets you iconify the window
quickly using the mouse. The image comes from MUI by
Stefan Stuntz.
* The review-buffer has gone through some cosmetic changes, making
it look better when you scroll through it.
* You can now insert the current directory, process number etc
in the titlebar by using substitution-strings, like the
AmigaDOS Prompt-command.
* A custom icon, to use when the console is iconified, can be
defined with the IMAGE-option. An exact position on the
screen can be specified with ICONPOS<x>/<y>.
* The title for the icon can be specified with ICONTITLE.
* MENUFY-option to create a menuitem in the Tools-menu when
the window is iconified.
* KEEPCLOSED-option to prevent the window from opening if text is
ouput to the console while it is iconified.
* FASTUPDATE-option for increasing the speed of the review-buffer.
Especially useful for 68000-owners. It works by simply updating
the scrollbar more seldom.
* POPSCREEN-option to bring the screen, on which the window is
opened, to front.
* New editing- and manouveringkeys:
Control-Left Arrow - Moves to the previous part of a filename.
Control-Right Arrow - Moves to the next part of a filename.
Control-Up Arrow - Moves up one line in the review.
Control-Down Arrow - Moves down one line in the review.
Control-Backspace - Deletes a part of a filename to the left.
Control-Delete - Deletes a part of a filename to the right.
* New menu-shortcuts:
Amiga-J - Enable/disable jump-scroll.
Amiga-. - Show/hide .info-files.
Amiga-W - Enable/disable review-buffer.
* When completing a filename and no files match your pattern,
the devicelist is searched automatically, (just as if you
had pressed Shift-TAB).
* When you Maximize a window, it doesn't cover the first
raster line of the screen, so you easily can drag it
with the mouse.
Things that should have been in earlier versions:
* RAW: works now.
* The console doesn't hang if you have v36 of diskfont.library.
KingCON can even run if some disk-based libraries are
missing, but some features will be disabled.
* The filename-completion doesn't keep any directory-locks.
* KingCON doesn't crash when trying to open its window on SID2.
* The window is activated when you drop an icon on it.
* WINDOW-option accepts 0x in front of the address like CON:
* SCREEN-option recognises * as the top screen like CON: does.
* Stored command-lines are printed before they are executed when
you have specified asynchronous typeahead.
* Failing to complete a filename doesn't produce a NULL-character
on the command-line.
* Wildcards can be used when completing device-names.
* The path in the window-title doesn't mysteriously disappear.
* KingCON understands which process to signal better.
* SetKeyMap works in a KingCON-window.
* The correct font is always used when opening a window on a
public screen.
* The ARexx-commands Queue, Push and Lines can now be used
in a KingCON-window. They all use some of the many
undocumented features of CON:. For example, WaitForChar()
returns the number of lines in the console's internal
readbuffer in IoErr().
* Lots of other things that you probably never noticed.
KingCON v1.1 (15.12.93)
New features:
* Some more edition functions were added:
Shift-BS - Deletes the line to the left.
Shift-Del - Deletes the line to the right.
Alt-BS - Deletes a word to the left.
Alt-Del - Deletes a word to the right
Amiga-Del - Deletes a whole word.
Shift-RETURN - The current command-line is saved to
the history-buffer, but it isn't executed.
* The ALT-option allows you to specify the zoom-size more precisely
than MINI.
* Asynchronous typeahead is possible with the ASYNC-option.
* When a filename with spaces is in it is selected with filename-
completion, leading and trailing quotationmarks are added.
* You can now drop Workbench icons in the console window to insert
their filenames in the command line.
* The console window can be iconified and put on the Workbench
as an AppIcon. This replaces the Minimize-function.
* AmigaDOS wildcards can be used when completing filenames.
* The current directory is shown in the titlebar if you specify
the SHOWDIR-option.
* The review-buffer's maximum size can be set with the MAXBUF-option.
Features that should have been in v1.0:
* The 68000-version doesn't contain any 68020-compiled code...
* The console doesn't freeze randomly in RAW-mode.
* Keymaps with multiple-character keys are understood properly.
* The ASL-requester no longer generates Enforcer-hits.
* It is possible to use Amiga-V for pasting in RAW-mode.
* The window's title can now contain ':'.
* The '['-character is visible in the review-buffer.
* The review-buffer understands CR better.
* In addition to this, some minor bugs were fixed in the
command-line editing and the scrollgadget.
KingCON v1.0 (13.10.93)
* First release